Mt. Otemba

Mt. Otemba is a craggy peak some 2,315 feet above sea level, the remnants of a long-extinct volcano's collapse into the atoll of Onaona. Its size and height are minor compared to other peaks in the Dragon Isles, such as Gorgora north of Lore City, but it figures into Islander mythology to an unusually frequent degree.
The legends vary, with some describing the mountain exactly as it is, or was in the past, and others referring to a mountain matching its general description in roughly the same area. Most legends consider it a holy place, somehow connected to the heavens, though some take nearly the opposite approach.
Geological surveys reveal that it is a fairly ordinary rock formation, with nothing to show save some interesting ruins on its fairly broad, flat top. The ruins are similar to many found in Raptoran lands, though no such creatures occupied Mt. Otemba until very recently.